Enhancing the effectiveness of Non-Formal Education (NFE) to empower young people and enable them to become active participants in society, from local communities to the broader European context.
Main Objective
To amplify our educational impact through the application of a non-formal educational (NFE) process.
Why Choose This Training Course?
To inspire participants to experience and reflect on the power of non-formal education (NFE) through a variety of educational methods.
To expand our understanding of NFE and its potential impact in diverse European settings.
To explore the synergy between formal and non-formal education sectors.
To highlight the political dimension of non-formal education as a means of taking an active role in society (empowerment process).
To reassess our daily educational practices, identify challenges, and enhance the coherence between the values we promote and our daily actions.
How Will It Be Done?
To achieve real impact, participants will engage in an innovative approach, fully immersing themselves in the experiential learning cycle: doing, feeling, reflecting, transferring…
The Training Course (TC) extends beyond the five days spent together; it begins well before the actual meeting. Participants should be aware that they will be actively involved from the very start.
In addition to the planned objectives and content, informal moments will provide an ideal opportunity to find partners for future European projects.
Pre-Training Immersion
Starting approximately six weeks before the training, participants will receive weekly “NFE News” that invites reflection on pedagogical issues and gathers information/documentation. Participants will contribute to the creation of this NFE News. Additionally, a private Facebook group will be established to foster interactions among participants before the TC starts.
Topics addressed: perception/recognition of NFE in your country, methods you use/have used…
Fundamental Flow During the Training
Experiencing: different educational settings and methods (role play, simulation games, exercises…).
Reflecting: on the methods and their impacts, the strengths and limitations of NFE, and the construction of a pedagogical process.
Transferring: to the participants’ own contexts to improve methods of working with young people.
Sharing: different perceptions, current situations, and experiences.
Developing: the building capacity of participants by involving them in the project design decision-making process (participants will decide some sessions they feel are necessary) and in the implementation of the program (“Power to the People – the People who are you” moments).
Project Dates: 12-17 May 2025 | Rome, Italy
Join us our telegram group for more opportunities – t.me/erasmusday
Join us our WhatsApp Channel group for more opportunities –WhatsApp Channel