Embark on a journey with a diverse group of young individuals from Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and Greece to engage in activities centered around creativity and environmental sustainability.
Project Details:
Location: La Buona Terra educational farm (Italy)
Dates: 17-28 March 2024
Participants: 5 individuals (18-30) + 1 group leader (18+) from Italy, Greece, France, Spain, Germany
Hosting Organisation: Associazione Kora
Application Process: Complete the application form (details below)
Objective of ‘Painting with Nature’:
To enhance the creative and artistic capabilities of participants by exploring the boundless potential of nature and fostering the development of individuals who, through creative exploration, become more attuned to their role in safeguarding and preserving our environment’s delicate balance.
Project Goals:
- Raise awareness about environmental sustainability among young people.
- Deepen understanding of various artistic expressions.
- Provide tools for self-expression.
- Empower young people and cultivate cooperation and teamwork skills.
- Encourage intercultural dialogue.
- Promote self-awareness and the learning of soft skills.
Selection Criteria:
Age requirement: 18+ for leaders, 18-30 for participants.
Full availability throughout the entire mobility period.
Motivation and interest in non-formal education and activities facilitation.
Basic knowledge of the English language.
Residency in one of the partner countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, France.
Cost Details:
Erasmus+ programme covers food and accommodation.
Travel costs reimbursed up to a fixed amount (details in the infopack).
Some partner organisations may request a small participation fee; please consult with them for further information.
Access the Offical web site and Application Form : Click here
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