Art emerges as a potent tool for empathetic communication, capable of addressing the aesthetic and emotional dimensions of contemporary societal issues.
Since 2013, @lps.demadrid has been exploring the use of art as a catalyst for social transformation.
In a world marked by increasing polarization in democracies, the rise of conflict on an international scale, and interpersonal violence stemming from various inequalities, there is an urgent need to create peaceful references and narratives that strengthen human rights and meaningful democratic participation.
Develop a comprehensive understanding of concepts such as peace, various forms of violence, human rights, and conflict resolution by providing a conceptual framework for artistic expression.
Discover the role of art in shaping and reinforcing respectful societal narratives and meaningful political participation.
Enable participants to become catalysts for change in collective perceptions by creating emotionally resonant artistic works.
Enhance participants’ skills in nonviolent communication and nonverbal expression analysis to facilitate effective communication across various settings.
Map and analyze participants’ local realities to form thematic working groups that address urgent social issues through artistic expression.
Facilitate the design process of at least six follow-up activities to sustain the impact and momentum beyond the program’s initial implementation.
We eagerly await your participation in this enriching educational experience.
Project dates: 10-17 July 2024
There will be no participation fee
Accommodation and food The organization will cover the accommodation and food needed for participation with Erasmus+ program funds.
Travel reimbursement The travel reimbursement will be done under the rules of the Eramsus+ program for travel reimbursement.
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