The main aim of this training is to enhance the capacity of participants in the EU and neighboring regions to mainstream feminist values and gender equality principles in their work with young people.
Background Information for This Training Course:
There is no country in the world that has achieved complete gender equality.
We will not witness full gender equality in our lifetimes (Global Gender Gap Report 2023).
Ingrained patriarchal norms impact everyone’s lives.
Gender norms and societal expectations affect the lives of many individuals (both men and women).
Violence against women (and children) is normalized in large segments of societies worldwide.
Double standards in society (different for men and women) are often accepted as normal.
Representation in media, politics, and business is disproportionately dominated by men.
Feminism and feminist issues are frequently misunderstood and seen as solely related to women, sometimes being weaponized for political agendas. People with feminist values often lack the confidence or strong qualifications to engage in meaningful conversations on these topics.
Feminism and Gender Equality are directly connected. To achieve equality for future generations, youth workers must become more vocal, active, and involved in the feminist movement.
In this training, we aim to thoroughly explore the following:
The concept of feminism (what it is, history, myths, misunderstandings, importance, values, principles, etc.)
Feminist-specific issues (representation, language, jokes, norms, double standards, gender-based violence, safety, gender data gap, invisible labor, etc.)
Practical sessions for conveying feminist messages in our personal and professional lives (discussion/communication, designing feminist strategies at the organizational level, facilitating sessions on these topics, online campaigns, personal strategies and action plans, etc.)
Not all these topics can be covered in a single training course. While all are important, some may be more relevant to various individuals than others.
Therefore, the final training design will be tailored to the specific interests and learning needs of the final group of participants.
To outline the main priorities in terms of topics and the course focus, selected participants will be required to fill out an additional form.
Activity dates: 21 February – 2 March 2025
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