Training Course on Assertive Communication
Assertive communication is essential for fostering authentic, honest, ethical, sustainable, and healthy relationships, both personally and professionally.
However, many youth workers struggle to assert themselves effectively. They often find it challenging to communicate clearly, authentically, and assertively in various situations.
Here are some common scenarios where assertive communication is crucial:
Negotiating Salary or Fees: Advocating for fair compensation.
Standing Up Against Unfair Treatment: Asserting one’s rights when treated poorly.
Providing Constructive Feedback: Offering critical opinions without hesitation.
Setting Boundaries: Clearly defining healthy limits in relationships.
Saying No: Politely declining excessive requests.
Holding Others Accountable: Addressing poor performance.
Avoiding Procrastination: Communicating promptly instead of delaying.
Maintaining Quality: Prioritizing work standards over feelings.
Ending Collaborations: Assertively terminating partnerships.
Overcoming Assumptions: Avoiding self-censorship based on assumptions.
Difficult Conversations: Tackling necessary discussions head-on.
Reasons why individuals struggle with assertiveness include:
Misunderstanding: Confusing assertiveness with aggression.
Fear of Hurt Feelings: Worrying about their own emotions or others’.
Lack of Awareness: Not recognizing the benefits of assertive communication.
Prioritizing Others: Putting others’ needs ahead of their own.
Skill Gap: Insufficient practical competencies.
Low Confidence: Feeling inadequate in handling relationships authentically.
Our training program will cover various communication styles, practical exercises, case studies, and simulations.
The goal is to empower to confidently practice assertive communication in both their personal and professional lives. 🌟
Dates: 8-17 October 2024
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